unrestrained inflation câu
Unrestrained magazine #15: Necrobutcher interview^ Unrestrained magazine #15: Necrobutcher interview[liên kết hỏng] Unrestrained magazi...

Good state college, adjusting for inflation say, $45,000 a year.Trường điểm, điều chỉnh theo lạm phát... cỡ 45.000 đô/năm. We still su...

accelerating inflation
Rapidly accelerating inflationlạm phát tăng tốc accelerating inflation inflation accélérée Rapidly accelerating inflationlạm phát tăng ...

accounting for inflation
Even accounting for inflation, 90% of today’s exchanges have some semblance of a respectable volume.Ngay cả khi tính đến lạm phát, 90% ...

anticipated inflation
Underlying inflation has been as projected.Anticipated inflation Lạm phát được dự tính. anticipated inflation have been taken into acco...

control of inflation
Across the board, the main economic problems the country is facing include the control of inflation and a lack of fiscal discipline at ...

core inflation
Core inflation in the United States remains under 1%.Lạm phát lõi (core inflation) tại Hoa Kỳ hiện ở dưới mức 1%. Core inflation in Am...

cost inflation
8% barely covers our cost inflation.8% chỉ đủ để chi cho sự lạm phát. This was attractive to an industry worried about cost inflation....

cumulative inflation
The Venezuelan Parliament, of overwhelming opposition majority, reported the the first week of November that the cumulative inflation u...

currency inflation
But, she said, “with the weakening of the currency, inflation is likely to go up a bit further in Vietnam and other countries.”Tuy nhiê...

demand inflation
In case of decreased storage demand, inflation will be lower, thereby leading to smaller degradation in loss of value of EOS tokens hel...

excessive inflation
But they would not readily adopt policies that they know would lead to excessive inflation later on.Thế nhưng chắc chắn họ sẽ không muố...

expected inflation
Expected inflation is anchored.Anticipated inflation Lạm phát được dự tính. a compensation for expected inflationLạm phát được kỳ vọng...

galloping inflation
Hyper or Galloping Inflation:Lạm phát phi mã (galloping inflation): Talk about galloping inflation.Lạm phát phi mã (Galloping Inflatio...

generalized inflation
So there could come a time when deflation gets so bad that the Fed and the treasury actually raise the price of gold, not to enrich gol...

hidden inflation
Unlike traditional monies and even gold (in some cases), Bitcoin is not susceptible to warrantless, hidden inflation and is not control...

high inflation
High inflation, still nudging 20% a year, doesn't help either.Lạm phát cao (vẫn ở mức 20% mỗi năm) cũng chẳng giúp gì hơn. However, le...

impact on inflation
The Bank is looking through these effects, as their impact on inflation will be temporary.“Ngân hàng đang theo dõi các ảnh hưởng này, v...

imported inflation
A weaker rupee would raise concerns about market stability and further raise the prospect of a rise in imported inflation.Đồng rupee yế...

induced inflation
This kind of inflation is termed as profit induced inflation.Đây là một loại inflation mà người ta gọi là AGRI-INDUCED INFLATION.

inflation control
Meanwhile, the macroeconomic environment will have more favourable conditions to maintain its stability, especially for inflation contr...

inflation of the currency
The latest drop in the price of bitcoin indicates the lowest value since October 2017, and new studies show the artificial inflation of...

inflation policy
For example, maybe Fisher’s view on inflation was correct for the economy in the 20th century, however by 2150 technology may have fund...

inflation pressure
Inflation pressure was overwhelming during 1973 and 1974.Áp lực lạm phát đè nặng trong những năm 1973 và 1974. Don’t go by the “maximum...

inflation rate
This is the break-even inflation rate.Và cả mức lạm phát hòa vốn (break-even inflation rate) nữa. In 2005, GDP increased by 9.9%; the ...